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Quotations about escape

Michel de MontaigneTo divert myself from a troublesome fancy, it is but to run to my books: they presently fix me to them, and drive the other out of my thoughts, and do not mutiny to see that I have only recourse to them for want of other more real, natural, and lively conveniences: they always receive me with the same kindness.

 - Michel de Montaigne

Tags:   books  escape  reading  

Many people take to animals to escape from human beings -- but often, it turns out, because they find the animals so human. Others, of whom I am one, find animals a delightful change just because they are not human and never can be.

 - Louise MacNeice

Tags:   animals  escape  humanity  

Louis KronenbergerMost people today don't want honest answers insofar as honest means unpleasant or disturbing. They want a soft answer that turneth away anxiety. They want answers that are, in effect, escapes.

 - Louis Kronenberger

Tags:   anxiety  escape  honesty  truth